International Relations


The Evolution and Dynamics of G-20

Historical Unfolding:

  • The formation of the G-20 in 1999 marked the genesis of a significant global forum. Initially, its purpose was limited, functioning primarily as a platform for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss macroeconomic matters.

Expanding the Horizon:

  • The G-20’s scope substantially expanded after the global financial crisis in 2008. It broadened its agenda to encompass pressing concerns extending beyond the realm of economics. Climate change and terrorism emerged as pivotal topics for deliberation, transforming the G-20 into a versatile international platform.

Leadership Summit’s Emergence:

  • The year 2008 also saw the inauguration of the annual Leadership Summit. During this summit, Heads of State and Governments collaborated to deliberate on vital issues and forge deeper cooperation among nations. These summits have since become an integral component of the G-20’s operations.

The Essence of G-20:

  • The G-20, also known as the Group of Twenty, congregates 19 nations alongside the European Union, providing a unified stage to address global issues related to economic recovery and societal transformations. Notably, it functions without a designated secretariat.

Membership and Diplomacy:

  • The roster of 19 member nations includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Regular interactions and discussions are conducted by officials from these nations throughout the year, with a particular emphasis on advancing agreements forged during the annual leadership summits.

Rotating Leadership:

  • The presidency of the G-20 is subject to rotation among its members, with each host nation setting the agenda for the Leadership Summit. The host nation prepares for the summit by discussing with counterparts from other G-20 countries.

Multilayered Dialogue:

  • Various meetings and dialogues are held at different levels to ensure comprehensive coverage. Finance Ministers engage in economic discussions, while senior government officials participate in the Sherpa dialogue, addressing global concerns such as climate change and counterterrorism.

Inclusivity in Civil Society:

  • The G-20 recognizes the significance of civil society and fosters dialogues through Engagement Groups, allowing diverse perspectives to influence its decision-making process.

Resolutions and Priorities:

  • Following each Leadership Summit, the G-20 adopts resolutions delineating the group’s priorities and objectives, shaping the path forward in addressing global challenges.

The G-20’s journey reflects a remarkable transformation from a finance-focused forum to a multifaceted platform for global cooperation, embodying the spirit of unity and collective action worldwide.

The Global Significance of G-20

A Powerhouse of Economic Influence:

  • The G-20 comprises some of the world’s most industrialized and emerging economies. These 19 nations, accompanied by the European Union, collectively wield tremendous global economic power. Their combined strength constitutes 80% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), represents two-thirds of the world’s population, and accounts for a substantial three-fourths of worldwide trade.

An All-Encompassing Agenda:

  • The G-20 takes on a diverse array of global challenges. For instance, the 2019 G-20 Summit held in Osaka centred its discussions around eight vital themes pivotal to fostering global sustainable development. These encompassed the Global Economy, Trade and Investment, Innovation, Environment and Energy, Employment, Women’s Empowerment, Development, and Health.

Driving Global Policy:

  • One of the most striking aspects of the G-20’s significance is its profound influence on countries worldwide. The platform enables the leaders of the planet’s most influential economies to unite and collaborate, establishing strategies that foster mutually supportive growth and aligning their domestic policies with the decisions taken during ministerial meetings and summits.

Facilitating Multilateral Diplomacy:

  • The G-20 is an invaluable stage for nations to engage in bilateral and plurilateral discussions. Notable examples include the Japan-America-India (JAI) and Russia-India-China (RIC) meetings. These gatherings provide a unique opportunity to address conflicting interests among different groups within a single platform.

In essence, the G-20 is a global powerhouse that leverages economic might, shapes policy directions, and fosters inclusive diplomacy on a scale that resonates across the world’s most pressing issues.

Remarkable Achievements of the G-20

Promoting Digital Freedom:

  • One notable feat attributed to the G-20 is the creation of the “Osaka Track.” This initiative centres on the notion of digital free flow with trust. Most G-20 leaders, including those of economic giants like the United States and China, rallied behind the cause, giving a high-level political impetus to the somewhat sluggish e-commerce negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Fair Taxation Regime:

  • The G-20 leaders have unanimously committed to introducing a groundbreaking taxation regime by 2020. This scheme is designed to ensure that corporations pay a just share of taxes to the countries where consumers and users generate their value. The objective is to shift this taxation from the location of a company’s headquarters to the places where its services and products are utilized.

Enhancing Security:

  • Since 2001, the G-20 has been addressing security issues, beginning with discussing topics like terrorist financing and, later on, proliferation financing. At the Osaka summit, the group embraced an Australian initiative aimed at combatting the misuse of social media for radicalization, recruitment, financing, and planning of terrorist activities.

Safeguarding the Environment:

  • For the preservation of the world’s imperilled natural environment, the G-20 took pioneering steps. It initiated the world’s first global framework for curbing plastic waste and other ocean pollutants. Furthermore, the G-20 leaders launched the “Osaka Blue Ocean Vision” to reduce the additional pollution of marine plastic litter to zero by the year 2050, employing a comprehensive life-cycle approach.

The G-20’s remarkable achievements span various domains, from digital governance and global taxation to security and environmental conservation, solidifying its role as a catalyst for global change.

India’s Role in the G-20: Championing Climate Action and Technological Advancement

Key Player in the G-20:

  • India, an emerging economic powerhouse boasting a GDP of around USD 3 trillion, holds a pivotal position within the G-20 community. Additionally, it’s worth noting that India is scheduled to host the G-20 summit in 2023.

Urging Global Climate Action:

  • During his virtual address at the G-20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a compelling call for nations to unite in battling the ramifications of climate change. He emphasized that confronting this critical issue in isolation is insufficient; instead, the world must wage a collective campaign.

Respect for the Environment:

  • PM Modi underscored India’s unwavering commitment to environmental preservation, highlighting its deep-rooted values and traditions. He also stated that India is on track to generate 175 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy by 2022 and has set an even more ambitious goal of 450 GW by 2030.

Post-COVID Recovery and Technology:

  • Addressing the post-pandemic recovery, PM Modi accentuated the increasingly significant role of Information Technology (IT). Notably, concepts like remote working, encapsulated by “Work from Home,” will persist beyond the pandemic. PM Modi proposed the establishment of a G-20 virtual secretariat and stressed India’s potential to play a central role in this initiative.

India’s active involvement in the G-20 is marked by its commitment to addressing climate change, environmental preservation, and harnessing technology for a post-pandemic world, thus contributing significantly to the group’s goals and deliberations.

India’s Vision as G20 President

Presiding Over G20:
India is taking the helm of the G20, serving as the President from December 1, 2022, to November 30, 2023. The pinnacle of this leadership will be the New Delhi Summit in September 2023, where 43 Heads of Delegations will gather, marking the largest assembly in G20 history.

Symbolic G20 Logo:
India’s G20 Logo draws inspiration from its national flag’s vibrant saffron, white, green, and blue hues. It symbolizes the unity of Earth, represented by a lotus, India’s national flower, reflecting growth amidst challenges. The Earth signifies India’s pro-planet ethos in harmony with nature, while below the logo, “Bharat” is scripted in Devanagari.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam:
The core theme of India’s G20 Presidency is “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” derived from ancient Sanskrit texts, emphasizing the interconnectedness and value of all life forms, from humans to animals, plants, and microorganisms. The theme highlights “LiFE” (Lifestyle for Environment), promoting environmentally responsible choices on personal and national levels to create a cleaner, greener, and bluer future.

Amritkaal and Disaster Risk Reduction:
India’s G20 Presidency is marked as the start of “Amritkaal,” a 25-year journey from its 75th independence anniversary to the centenary of independence. A new working group on Disaster Risk Reduction aims to encourage collective efforts, research, and the exchange of best practices in disaster risk mitigation.

International Engagement:
India’s unique invitee guest countries include Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Spain, and the UAE. International organizations invited to G20 meetings encompass the UN, IMF, World Bank, WHO, WTO, ILO, FSB, OECD, AU Chair, NEPAD Chair, ASEAN Chair, ADB, ISA, and CDRI.

City-Venue Approach:
India is abandoning the tradition of hosting G20 meetings only in major cities. With the theme “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” and a commitment to an “all-of-government” approach, India hosts over 200 sessions in more than 50 cities across 32 workstreams, allowing delegates to experience India’s rich culture and heritage.

Year-Long India Experience:
India’s G20 Presidency includes a year-long “India Experience” for G20 member countries, special invitees, and others, featuring cultural activities, educational events, and opportunities to explore India’s traditions and landmarks.

India’s G20 Priorities:

  • Green Development, Climate Finance & LiFE: Prioritizing climate change, sustainable choices, and energy transitions.
  • Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth: Focusing on structural transformation, labour rights, and inclusive agricultural value chains.
  • Accelerating SDG Progress: Reaffirming the G20’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Technological Transformation & Digital Public Infrastructure: Promoting human-centric tech and knowledge-sharing.
  • Multilateral Institutions for the 21st Century: Advocating for reformed multilateralism.
  • Women-led Development: Empowering women for inclusive growth and achievement of SDGs.

Initiatives and Cultural Activities:
India initiated its G20 Presidency with various cultural events, educational interactions, illuminating ASI monuments, and participatory activities showcasing the country’s diversity. Multiple events, cultural performances, and site excursions are planned throughout the year.

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