Conscience , Impartiality , Accountability in public service

Conscience and Crisis of Conscience

Conscience and Crisis of Conscience

Conscience The notion of conscience is diverse and subjective, not linked to any particular moral standpoint. Utilizing conscience to justify…
Social Justice in the Indian Context

Social Justice in the Indian Context

Social Justice in the Indian Context Social Justice Social justice is a comprehensive concept encompassing the fair distribution of both…
Commitment in Civil Services

Commitment in Civil Services

Working in the public sector has become more demanding due to limited resources and evolving regulations. Modern public servants must…
Accountability in public service

Accountability in public service

Accountability in public service in glance The prevailing situation in India highlights a profound accountability crisis in governance. Despite considerable…
Ethics in Public Life

Ethics in Public Life

Ethics in Public Life Ethics in governance is rooted in the concepts of responsibility and accountability. In a democracy, all…
Impartiality and Non Partisanship

Impartiality and Non Partisanship

Impartiality and Non Partisanship Impartiality Impartiality, a key principle of justice, dictates that decisions must be grounded in objective criteria…
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